Manna Text

November 21 Manna

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. James 1:2

ALL wish frequently, no doubt, that the testings were all over and that we were accepted to a place amongst the overcomers; but patience and faith and trust are to do a refining work in our hearts, making us mellow, willing and obedient to the Lord. Let the good work go on. Let us rejoice if our trials have brought us lessons of any kind that are profitable to us;–that have tended to make us stronger in character, more firm for truth and righteousness, more aware of our own weaknesses, and more on guard against the same. Even those conflicts which have resulted in only partial victories have possibly been to our advantage….Even on points in which there may have been absolute failure, the result may be a strengthening of character, a crystallization of determination for greater zeal in that direction again, and a humility of heart before the Lord in prayer. Z. ’02-133 R3001:5

Dear Brethren,

Joy & Peace be unto you through the precious merit of our Advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous!

Below are three documents of the November 21st Manna Text, for your consideration.

R5268:…Temptation does not imply sin. As our Lord was tempted “without sin” so may his brethren be if they follow his example and with purity of heart, purity of intention, seek only the Father’s will. Sin could only come through yielding to the temptation. But let us not forget that hesitancy after the wrong is seen increases the power of the temptation. And we may note here that while Satan is a tempter, endeavoring to ensnare us into wrong paths and wrong conduct, God is not so; “he tempteth no man” (Jas. 1:13), and even though he permit the Adversary and his agents to beset his people, it is not with the object of ensnaring them, but with the opposite object, that they may by such trials and testings be made the stronger, developing character through exercise in resisting evil. Let us remember too for our strengthening, the Scriptural assurance that God will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able to resist and overcome, but will with the temptation provide also a way of escape.


